Well, not officially, but close enough!
Our brilliant planner has compromised on some conditions with the council and won the others at VCAT today, so apart from the administration side, VCAT has issued a permit!
So now the conditions are:
a) Setback dwelling 3.2mt from Evans Street frontage
b)Two car spaces in garage
c)Deletion or modification of external stairs, landing etc… aligning boundary on east to be in line with shed on adjacent lot
d)Extend the lightcourt along western boundary north by 1.5 meters to a total length of 6.0 meters (rather than 7.5 meters)
f)Removal of the balcony on first floor (studio/apartment), but glass line as per application
The conditions that no longer apply are:
e) Ceiling raked in hall/winter garden to reduce height to 2.4 meters
g)The north elevation on the first floor setback an additional 3 meters from the Evans Street frontage.